Which is more of a celebrity trend: Adopting babies from third world countries (yes, we’re looking at you, Madonna)?

Or complimenting your own cleavage?

For whatever reason, more and more actresses are going on record about the beauty of their breasts. Or just wearing outfits that thrust these puppies in your face (yes, we’re looking at you, Victoria Beckham).

But listen to Lindsay Lohan talk about her boobs: “I like my breasts the way they are. I read that I had breast implants and that I’d had my lips done too, which is such bullshit … I feel great. I like having a shape.”

The Gossip was gonna take a poll of all the guys who have touched them, but sadly, there is other news to cover and we don’t have that kind of time.

Maybe Rumer Willis can get on it for us.

The latest star to admire her own figure is Ashlee Simpson. Jessica’s sister had the following to say recently:

“You have to laugh because people make up the goofiest things. My boobs are beautiful! I’m not getting them done. I’m 22, they’re up and high.”

Hey, we’re with you, Ash. We have nothing against your boobs. In this area, those crazy Olsen twins don’t stand a chance against you and your sister.

Be proud.
