Many WWE Superstars find other areas to specialize in after they leave the company. It took Gangrel over twenty years, but he was finally able to launch his own special beverage. It’s not blood, but the appearance might say otherwise.

Gangrel’s brand is that of a Vampire Warrior. He has battled in, and out, of the ring for decades to keep that moniker going. Now, he has his own specialty drink to sell that will certainly keep that trademark going for him.

WWE fans first saw Gangrel as a member of The Brood alongside Edge and Christian. Now, they can taste the experience with Gangrel’s own bloody, viscous liquid in canned form.

Gangrel is venturing outside the world of pro wrestling, and he now has his own beer. This new can of suds is branded “The Brewed” through The Unbranded Brewing Company in Hialeah.

The cherry sour beer is “red and bloody,” and the company promoted its release with an Instagram post with the following caption.

hrowing it back to the late 90s, we’ve collaborated with WWE Superstar @gangreldavidheath and made a delicious Blood Red Kettle Sour w/ Cherries clocking in at 5.5% ABV

We will have to see how well this beer sells. This particular company seems to specialize in season beers and limited runs. Perhaps a burst in sales will encourage them to keep The Brewed on their roster for the long haul.

Gangrel has not seen his induction into the WWE Hall of Fame yet, although some would say his name is certainly worth of that honor. For that matter, WWE hasn’t announced any names for the 2023 WWE Hall of Fame just yet, so you never know if his name will be on the list. At least Gangrel has a signature brew to keep him occupied.

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
